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This commit is contained in:
Skia 2020-09-25 01:19:45 +02:00
parent 472695b402
commit b7709343ad
30 changed files with 852 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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.gitmodules vendored Normal file
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[submodule "themes/fuji"]
path = themes/fuji
url = https://github.com/amzrk2/hugo-theme-fuji

config.toml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
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# License at the end of each post
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showToc = false
# Open Graph & Twitter Card variables
# You can also set description and images in post front matter individually
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tag = "tags"

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
title: 24h in the airport
date: 2015-04-27
tags: ["trip", "adventure"]
lang: en
summary: How I slothed 24h in an airport
Being in holidays for two days, I had last month bought my tickets to go to
Nothern Ireland with a friend. We arrived at the airport at least half an hour
before the time that was written in the email we received, but when asking for
the boarding pass, we were refused because it was apparently too late... I never
really travelled by plane in a big airport, so I didn't know that we should have
arrived at least one hour earlier to get the flight.
We managed to change the ticket for the following day (today!) but we had to
wait for the 24h in the airport, without anything but my small travelling bag
and my laptop...
This resulted in some [useless things](https://libskia.so/pub/darkvador.sh), but
also some more useful [r2 commits](http://rada.re). This was anyway really
tiresome, noisy, and boring to death, and I wish it won't happen again (for the
comeback trip, for example :D)

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
title: "Clearing my mind about my task"
date: 2014-07-10
tags: ["radare2", "rsoc"]
lang: en
summary: Getting a better view on what I'm supposed to do...
# Clearing my mind about my task
After receiving XVilka's mail, asking for our status about the RSoC, I was asked
to join the `#radare-rsoc` channel, a very smaller chan much more adapted to the
student of the RSoC. If I say that, it's because despite everybody says "feel
free to..." on the main chan, I really felt outnumbered by so many people
talking about such advanced things, and honestly, I didn't dare to ask even a
small question... Stupid life.... :)
Anyway, after joining the RSoC chan, I explained what I had already done, and I
was answered that many things were already done! In fact, the biggest part was
mainly done, and for now, the priority was to write tests for the `pf` command,
the one that make use of a kind of template (my task)...
I quickly went to the test directory, forked the
[radare2-regressions](https://github.com/radare/radare2-regressions) repo on my
Github, and began to learn how `pf` worked, in order to test it in the test
suite. Two hours or three later, my commits were merged, and I even discovered
my first bug in r2, as pancake said when I wondered about the result of a
Next step now is to fix the bugs in `pf`, then to improve it to support nested
types, and then, we'll see...

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
title: "First step in the RSoC"
date: 2014-06-26
tags: ["radare2", "rsoc"]
lang: en
summary: First small work for Radare2
# First step in the RSoC
A [friend](https://dustri.org/b/) of mine motivated me for doing the
[Radare Summer of Code](http://rada.re/rsoc/) a few month ago. I took a
look, and found it very interesting, so I applied, asking to do the
Struct Templates job. I was accepted, and I began to take some interest
to the project. I did a very few commit here and there, trying to
understand how the project worked, how it was organized, and also
learning how to use the different tools, like GitHub that I had never
really known before.
The start was given last week, but having a
[project](https://git.libskia.so/skia/snp_compiler) to finish for the
school, I had no time to take it... Now that the project is done, I'll
have more time to spend on r2, and it's what I've done tonight: I
looked precisely at some file, trying to understand how the thing was
done, and beginning to think what I'll have to do to complete the task.
I really feel happy that the school project was a compiler and not some
other shit, because reading a C parser is now far easier than it would
have been otherwise! As we could say in Molière's tongue: *C'est en
forgeant que l'on devient forgeron* (*Smithing makes the smith*, or
more likely *Practice makes perfect*) and as we all know, that's really
true for programming!
Concerning that blog, I'll try to post for every step I'll complete,
in order to keep something about my first commitment in a free project!
And if you want to contribute to r2, you can find a list of idea
[there](https://pad.nopcode.org/p/r.kbQMywcnKtU6z6wn) and join us on

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
title: Discovering Gogs
date: 2015-06-11
tags: ["git", "gogs", "sysadmin"]
lang: en
summary: Just another Git web frontend
I just discovered [Gogs](http://gogs.io/), a light Git web fronted written in
Go. After reading a bit on its website, I decided to try a bit, just for fun. It
was *really* easy to install it with NginX as reverse proxy, everything is Gogs'
documentation, and it was ready in less than 10 minutes. Wonderful!
It's still in beta, but already very functional, providing most of the classic
features such as issues, milestones, ssh keys, *README.md* parser, etc...
Finally, I just dropped my old Gitweb[^1], and I welcome you to my new [Gogs](https://git.libskia.so/skia)! :)
[^1]: even if you can still reach it though [*http*](http://git.libskia.so)

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
title: First workshop at the Grehack
date: 2016-11-20
tags: ["radare2", "workshop"]
lang: en
summary: I gave my first workshop
Last Friday, I was in Grenoble, at the Grehack, to give my very first workshop!
[Dustri](https://dustri.org/b/radare2-at-the-grehack-2016.html) asked me a few weeks ago if I could come with him, since
this was about [radare2](http://rada.re/), the very famous reverse engineering framework that I had worked for in RSoC
This was a very fun experience, with everyone being pretty happy learning the mysteries of r2. I even helped a bit
a guy using r2 during the CTF that followed, this was really encouraging.
Of course, you can grad the slides and the material here: [link](https://libskia.so/pub/grehack_2016.tar.xz). Feel free
to contact me if you have problems trying to (re)do the workshop at home.
During the day, there were also some various talks, more or less interesting. That was also the occasion to talk a
bit with cool guys from [Tetrane](http://www.tetrane.com/) about their awesome tool Reven (almost as awesome as
r2! :D).
The organisation was great, but there were some small hiccups that made the Grehack a bit messy. Anyway, the staff was
really kind, and I'd still be happy to come back another year.

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
title: Using WinZip
date: 2015-04-10
tags: ["winzip", "windows"]
lang: en
summary: Trying to use Winzip
This morning, I decided to begin my AI course project, so I went to my
[professor's library's website](http://www.ipseity-project.com/) to download it
and see how it worked.
So I had now two zip files, that I tried to unzip without success. *Unzip* says
`End-of-central-directory signature not found.`, and *7z* says `Unsupported
Method` for every non directory file... Weird...
Okay, no problem, the binaries are only for W$, so the zip must have been done
with WinZip, or some other strange archieving tool. I was at school, so I had a
few time to try using Wine and WinZip on my X31. Great idea!
Wine went without problem, but I gave up when I faced the following error:
I really thank you, WinZip, for giving me so much fun this morning! :)

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
title: Quitting mailoo
date: 2016-05-20
tags: ["mail", "privacy"]
lang: en
summary: Why I'm leaving Mailoo
I've been using [Mailoo](http://mailoo.org) for a few years now, and I was pretty happy with it. But recently, as I
changed my password, I was upset, as every time, when I again received the confirmation e-mail saying something like:
_"Great, you changed your password, your new password is **blahblahblah4000**!"_.
That made me sad, but I passed over, as always, still saying to myself that I really should change my e-mail provider.
And what a surprise! The next morning, I began to receive a lot of messages from friends (contacts) saying _"yeah? what
do you need?"_ and other strange answers to a message I didn't send. I quickly changed my password again, and no mail
have been oddly resend since, but the evil was done...
Today, two days later, I've already made a new address with my friend [Piké](https://smagnin.org) on our dedicated
server, self hosting one more service, and replacing the aliases I had at [Gandi](https://www.gandi.net).
You can now write me at skia [at] libskia (dot) so, and soon, the old addresses at mailoo.org won't work anymore (I'm
still waiting a bit before deleting everything, since I use theses e-mail every day).

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
title: A very new blog
date: 2014-06-20
lang: en
tags: ["blog", "first step"]
summary: Short presentation
Hi there!
I'm proud to announce to the world that I'm at least opening a blog.
The purpose isn't to tell you everything about my super life, but to
provide information about interesting (or not) stuff I've done...
Feel free to contact me if you think you have to!
-- Skia --

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
title: A new motherboard for my X60
date: 2015-04-21
tags: ["x60", "coreboot", "libreboot", "hardware", "thinkpad", "laptop"]
lang: en
summary: Putting in place my new Thinkpad X60 motherboard
A few weeks ago, I was playing putting water on my thinkpad, because it can
normally handle it, and mostly because a friend of mine didn't believed it. The
water went as usual through the laptop, but this time, I think I put a little
too much, and I broke the battery loading circuits.
The result was a perfectly working motherboard, but the battery was not able to
charge. That was a little embarrassing, and I decided to completely take the
laptop apart to see 1) if I could see something strange around the battery, and
2) how the laptop was built exactly.
1) showed nothing, but even better, it bricked the board... Watching
[libreboot](http://libreboot.org)'s output did not really helped, because I'm
not a coreboot dev, and because it worked until a moment where it just stopped,
without error... Hard to debug...
Still, I really needed that laptop, because during that period, I had dug my old
X31 up, but this one was a bit too slow, so I bought on Ebay a second-hand
motherboard for only 9€!
Putting it into the X60 went pretty good (I love how the thinkpad is done,
btw!), but I faced a strange matter: the Lenovo bios couldn't boot with my
Atheros Wifi card. Anyway, this was only one more good reason the flash
libreboot, because it worked very good on the old motherboard, and I wanted to
do it myself at least once (first time, I bought the laptop from
[Gluglug](http://shop.gluglug.org.uk/) and it came preflashed).
This went very well thanks to libreboot's
[tutorial](http://libreboot.org/docs/install/index.html#flashrom_lenovobios) and
I was now able to use my laptop with a very new and state-of-the-art software
for an even better hardware!

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
title: "Boardgame review: Outlive & Captain Sonar"
date: 2019-01-03
tags: ["games", "boardgames"]
lang: en
summary: We tested Captain Sonar and Outlive, and they rock!
A long time a go, in a blog not so far away, someone stopped writing, for no
real reason. Many happy new years later, that guy tested two wonderful
boardgames, and started writing again.
# Outlive
Let's start by the most common of the two:
In this survival game, you compete with other players to collect the too few
resources available and optimize your shelter, so that you get better bonuses
and make more "survival point" to win the game.
One of the fun part regarding other games is that you can directly interact with
other by putting "pressure" on their characters so that you steal them
resources, which can make a great difference in their, and your ability to
realize one or the other action.
All in one, it's quite a challenging game for those who want to calculate the
many possibilities at each turn, since there are always multiple ways to win.
# Captain Sonar
The second game is in a far less common style. [Captain
is here to immerse yourself in a submarine crew member, dividing the players in
two teams competing on the same map to destroy the other, a bit like a classical
naval battle.
But the really awesome part is that this game is made to be played in real-time,
meaning that a team can just navigate faster than the other by simply being more
efficient in coordinating itself. Though, speed will not help when it comes to
launch a torpedo on the other submarine, and a great part of the work is first
to spot the enemy ship without giving too much informations about your own
Really fast to learn, but very difficult to master, this game is perfect to play
with 6 to 8 players, and is seriously awesome for a week-end with friends, even
if some of them are not particularly fond of boardgames.

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
title: Reviewing the Touch Lux 3, by Pocketbook
date: 2016-05-22
tags: ["ebooks","reader"]
lang: en
summary: I just got an ebook reader, and wanted to share my point of view about it.
For my birthday, my parents offered me an ebook reader, the [*Touch Lux 3*, by
I already knew a bit about it, since it's not the first one I see around me, and
I was again happy seeing a printed version of the GPL in the box.
Indeed, it is a really nice product, both in quality and in *open-mindness*. It
runs a Linux based OS, can read a lot of file formats with or without DRM, and
has a lot of nice applications, from the *Web browser* to the *Chess game*.
E-pubs and PDFs are great, but I have in my library tons of comics in various
strange formats, such as .CBR (rar), .CBZ (zip), or .CBT (tar), which are
archives containing pictures. Sadly, the Pocketbook can not read those formats,
but after a small research, I found that an amazing guy did a great job in [this
Thanks to the open design of the reader, we have really easy access to the
system, and thus, we can add applications as we want. That's how the man did
manage to implement a new viewing application supporting the .CBx formats, and
allowing me to read my comics on the Pocketbook.
It's still a bit small and in black and white, but the books are nicely readable
when rotating the screen, and the refresh time is less than 1s to get a complete
new page, which I find really quick and makes me really happy with it!

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@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
title: The RSoC is finished
date: 2014-11-26
lang: en
summary: The RSoC is finished
tags: ["radare2", "rsoc"]
That's sad, I know, but the RSoC is now finished since 2 months and I haven't
post for even longer! :/
I have done quit a few commits this summer, and that was really nice to
implement new features in a project such as [radare2](https://radare.org/)!
Still, I have some regrets not to have had enough time for the RSoC... I had no
time to implement all the task I was given, and I even still have some that I
hope to do in the next few weeks.
And this year, having a lot of responsibilities in my school's associations, and
having a few school projects, I find even less time than this summer, so I don't
think I'll be able to contribute a lot as I expected.
Now stop complaining about my free time and let's do a quick summary of what
I've done. The task was about structure templates, so the goal is to define a
human readable structure, a bit like a C header for example, and to apply it on
a binary to see each field easily. The method with header file is quickly
described [here](http://radare.today/types/), and I think I'll do a more
complete example one day.
But my work was more focused on one r2 feature related to structures: `pf`. That
is the basic command for which you can have a quick help on r2 by hitting `pf?`.
The command works as follow:
pf iwf foo bar troll
Applies the `iwf` format at current offset. The `iwf` format is an
integer named **foo**, a word called **bar**, and a float, **troll**.
This gives the following output:
[0x00000000]> pf iwf foo bar troll
foo : 0x00000000 = 1179403647
bar : 0x00000004 = 0x0101
troll : 0x00000006 = 1.000000
More fields type can be easily found in the `pf` help.
Moreover, `pf` supports some nice tricks like pointers by using `*` or arrays
using `[]`...
pf *i[2]w pointer_to_int array_of_words
The next point is to store a format by entering following command:
pf.name iwf foo bar meh
We can now apply the format with `pf.name`. But the thing is that we can now use
the stored format as a structure in a new format using `?`.
[0x00000000]> pf.meh iw int word
[0x00000000]> pf.boh i?w otherint (meh)plop otherword
[0x00000000]> pf.boh
otherint : 0x00000000 = 1179403647
plop : struct<meh>
int : 0x00000004 = 65793
word : 0x00000008 = 0x0000
otherword : 0x0000000a = 0x0000
That way, you can define linked lists for example, to apply on memory
dumps, or create nested structures for complex templates.
Other features are the JSON output, with `pfj`, or the already done templates
such as the elf32 header that you can easily load with `pfo elf32`.
On last thing is the writing mode (not fully supported for arrays and nested
structs, which are my remaining tasks) that you can use that way.
You define a format:
pf.name iwf foo bar meh
And then you can modify its field with:
That prints the command you should have to type to write 0xfa0 at the
right offset, and a bit of r2 shell makes life easy (see the dot before
the command, to execute the output of it as if entered in r2):
[0x00000000]> pf.name
foo : 0x00000000 = 0
bar : 0x00000004 = 0x0000
meh : 0x00000006 = 0.000000
[0x00000000]> .pf.name.bar=0xfa0
[0x00000000]> pf.name
foo : 0x00000000 = 0
bar : 0x00000004 = 0x0fa0
meh : 0x00000006 = 0.000000
There are still some features in `pf`, but I think you now have a good overview
of what `pf` can do, and so what I've done during my RSoC.
To sum up, that was a great wonderful experience, and I've learned a lot of
various interesting things. I hope to finish the last tasks soon, and after
that, `pf` will really be a powerful tool to dump nice elf headers, or
analyse strange corrupted PNG files! :)
Finally, I really thank my mentors [pancake](https://twitter.com/trufae),
[xvilka](https://github.com/XVilka), and [jvoisin](https://dustri.org/) for
helping me doing the task, and for organizing the RSoC in general. I also thank
[maijin](https://github.com/Maijin) for having done a lot of tests in `pf`
and for reporting a lot of unexpected features, and I also thank all the r2
community for being nice on the IRC chan, and for supporting such a great

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@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
title: Sauvetage d'un serveur
date: 2015-01-30
lang: fr
summary: Comment récupérer l'accès après un accident...
tags: ["sauvetage"]
Un petit déterrage pour ce premier post de 2015. Il s'agit là simplement d'un
article que j'avais rédigé dans un wiki, et qui est resté depuis le seul article
du dit wiki. Plutôt donc de le laisser moisir, je le ressors ici, où il aura un
peu plus sa place... :)
#Récupération d'un serveur perdu
## Le problème
Au cours de manipulation visants à augmenter la sécurité du serveur, j'ai
malheureusement un peu trop joué avec les droits, ce qui fait qu'en essayant de
se connecter via ssh, celui-ci, après avoir afficher les quelques lignes de
bienvenue et au moment de lancer le shell:
/bin/zsh: permission denied
connection to pike.tf closed
Plutôt problématique, n'est-ce pas?
## La solution
Comme tout problème a une solution, il fallait donc la trouver. Fort
heureusement, on pouvait toujours envoyer des fichiers par FTP dans le dossier
root d'apache, donc on pouvait uploader un script PHP qui nous sauverait la vie.
J'ai testé quelques script codés moi même, mais finalement, j'ai plutôt utilisé
un reverse shell, bien plus pratique pour tester différentes commandes. Le
script est dispo ici :
http://pentestmonkey.net/tools/web-shells/php-reverse-shell. Tout y est très
bien expliqué et l'on obtient rapidement un pseudo shell sur notre machine
Un autre problème se posait alors à moi: il fallait que j'execute une commande
avec les droits root pour chmoder les fichiers de zsh. Pour cela, deux options:
`su` et `sudo`. Mais en faisant `su`, la commande nous répond
su: must be run from a terminal
Pour `sudo`, le problème est différent. La commande fonctionnait tout à fait,
sauf que le script qui l'execute est lancé par www-data, l'user d'apache, et
celui-ci n'est pas dans le sudoers, donc il ne peut rien faire.
J'ai donc trouvé une nouvelle astuce sur cette page : http://evertpot.com/189/,
qui donne deux lignes à rentrer dans notre pseudo shell pour executer un "vrai"
shell via python. Bien sûr, il faut que Python soit installé sur le serveur, ce
qui était notre cas. La première ligne créer un script placé dans `/tmp`, et la
deuxième l'execute, nous donnant un shell dans lequel on peut ensuite executer
`su` sans aucun problème.
## En résumé
- Uploader la page de script du reverse-shell une fois modifiée, comme
indiquée sur le site, en spécifiant l'adresse IP de la machine
local sur laquelle vous obtiendrez le pseudo shell, ainsi qu'un
port disponible sur lequel vous allez pouvoir faire écouter votre
machine. Attention, si vous êtes derrière une box, penser à
forwarder le port!
- Lancer la commande `nc` avec les options qui vont bien sur votre
machine pour qu'elle soit prête à écouter sur le port, par exemple
avec le port 1234:
nc -v -n -l -p 1234
- Lancer le script en accédant à son URL dans votre naviguateur, votre
pseudo-shell est alors disponible là où vous aviez lancé netcat
- Executer les deux commande Python pour avoir ensuite un vrai shell
et pouvoir lancer `su`
echo "import pty;
pty.spawn('/bin/bash')" > /tmp/asdf.py
python /tmp/asdf.py
Voilà, vous pouvez désormais récupérer votre serveur!
Merci à [Dustri](http://dustri.org) pour les nombreuses indications
fournies pendant la récupération! :)

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
title: Putting HTTPS in place
date: 2015-01-30
lang: en
summary: At least deploying secure connections
tags: ["https", "ssl"]
For a few time I have set up this blog, and I always said that I should put SSL
in place, to provide secure connection for most of the hosted services.
Now it's done!
Certification was made by [CACert](https://www.cacert.org/), and this went
pretty quick, thanks to a few [Nginx tutorials](https://www.linode.com/docs/security/ssl/ssl-certificates-with-nginx/),
and the [CACert presentation by S. Bortzmeyer](http://www.bortzmeyer.org/cacert.html) (in French).
That wasn't so hard, after all, and I still wonder why it took me so
much time... :/
openssl req -new -days 365 -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout libskia.so.key -out libskia.so.csr

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
title: "SSLH, ssh&co though Proxies"
date: 2015-11-09
tags: ["ssh", "sysadmin", "sslh"]
lang: en
summary: Using SSH though proxies, hotspots, etc...
During my intership, I wanted to access my server, to continue using IRC in my
[irssi](http://www.irssi.org/). I need for that to ssh to
[libskia.so](https://libskia.so), but the problem came from the proxy that
provide my Internet connection, because it's blocking everything except ports 80
and 443.
First thought: easy, I just have to set SSH to listen on port 443!
Problem: we ([Piké](https://smagnin.org/) and I), are running website with
[HTTPS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTPS) enabled, and it's running, of
course, on port 443.
From there, I had many solutions. I could put in place a VPN using some option
but it was a bit heavy for just an SSH connection... Moreover, VPNs are stictly
forbidden by the local policy, so it wasn't a really good idea.
I also could have used [GoTTY](https://github.com/yudai/gotty), to get a shell
in my browser, but I didn't really like this solution, especially for IRC
notifications, that are forwarded though screen to my terminal, to have a little
"beep" when someone highlights me.
I finally found a far better solution:
[SSLH](http://www.rutschle.net/tech/sslh.shtml). It's a small SSL multiplexer
that, once set to listen on `$PUBLIC_IP:443`, can forward many protocols to
their respective interfaces.
Here is how I call SSLH. You can of course set it in */etc/default/sslh* and run
it as a daemon.
sslh --user sslh --listen --ssh --ssl --openvpn
That way, I have SSH, HTTPS, and even OpenVPN that can pass through port 443,
and that's very useful when you work behind weird restrictive proxies!
**Bonus**: that works in both sides, so when you have server in a DMZ where, for
*security reasons*, the network admin blocked SSH port, but allowed, say, HTTPS
for example, you can have a direct secure shell without any weird reverse tunnel
with SSLH.

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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
title: The Force has awoken...
date: 2015-12-16
tags: ["star wars", "force", "jedi", "geek"]
lang: en
summary: How the Force has long ago awoken in the heart of a small Jedi...
Today is the 16th December, and the world (at least the France) sees the release
of **Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens**. In this special occasion, I take the
time to write a bit about how much I've been loving the *Star Wars* universe,
and that for a very long time!
It all began when I first saw **A New Hope** when I was young (I don't remember
precisly when). Since then, I grew up [playing the Jedi
master](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoRXYZD0Zc8), making stop-motion Star
Wars Lego movies (that I sadly lost), even [becoming sometimes a Sith
Lord](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmVg-ubmlJo), when not too busy
collecting/playing with about fifteen Lego spaceships, and more than thirty
I continued exploring the Star Wars universe
and still now playing a lost, Jedi to become,
[Kiffar](http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Kiffar) vagabond, in a [very cool
role-playing game](https://libskia.so/pub/Star-Wars-Fate-Edition.pdf)!
And today, I'm very happy that the universe continues to live through a new
Many people have asked me how I felt about Lucasfilm beeing sold to Disney, and
I always answered that it was great.
It's great to do so while George Lucas has not yet joined the Force (sadly, it
will happen).
It's great to do so because Disney has a lot of money, and it's great that they
use it to make more Star Wars stuff.
It's great because they trusted J.J. Abrams to make this new movie, and I think
he has done a good job previously with the new Star Trek films.
It's great because we will see the old characters played by the old actors, and
I already know that it will be a magic moment!
It's great because while writing these lines, I'm listening to the soundtrack
that made John Williams for the first and second trilogy, and I'm really happy
that he doing a third one!
More generally, I'm also very happy with how Disney managed to keep the giant
extended-universe by creating the
[Legend](http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Star_Wars_Legends), without beeing hold
back for the new films. Indeed, keeping the universe consistant would have been
almost impossible without using a entire new place, with very few references to
the old movies.
That said, I'm still waiting patiently to see the awaken of the Force, although
I know that within me, it already awoke *a long time ago...*

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title: Strange high ping
date: 2015-04-20
tags: ["network"]
lang: en
summary: Fixing a strangly high ping with a Proxmox 3.4 VM
Currently rebuilding my student association's infrastructure, I have to deal
with Proxmox 3.4 quit a lot. Having up to 5 VM, I decided to first install one,
called **generic**, that I would backup, then restore 5 times to get all my VM
with a basic configuration without efforts.
That worked perfectly a first time, and I have been able to deploy our
[Gitlab](https://about.gitlab.com/) quit quickly.
Then I wanted to work on our **proxy** VM, so I restored the generic image, and
logged into the VM with the console interface to change at least its name and
IP. After that, I was able to ssh to the machine, but I remarked that when
typing a command, it was really slow to answer.
Some quick ping based investigations told me that there were many lost packages,
and the average ping was up to half a second! Of course, everything was in a
local network, and pinging the Proxmox host was pretty normal, just as the first
Gitlab VM. Why was that second machine causing so much trouble?
The answer was very dummy: restoring an image restores really everything, and
even the MAC address! Changing that address fixed the problem, but that story
reminds me how shitty I am with networks! :D

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title: Why you should go watch Tool in concert
date: 2019-07-02
tags: ["tool","metal","hellfest","music"]
lang: en
summary: A really impressive show that I highly recommend, even if you don't know the band already.
Last summer, I had the pleasure to see
[Tool](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tool_(band)) in concert at the Hellfest
festival, and that really was awesome for multiple reasons:
* The musicians are technically very skilled, being in studio as well as on
* The show is centred on the music and the visual light effects combined
together to create a very mesmerizing performance.
* They even ask the public not to take pictures or videos to enjoy the moment as
one that must be lived and felt, rather than watched later on a small, inhuman
* The sound tuning was just perfect, and I don't remember being at a metal show
with that many people able to listen to the music without their ear
protection. Thank you Hellfest for that!
* They played some of their new titles that weren't released yet at the time.
Of course, going to another show now would probably fulfil only the three first
points in my list, but I find them far good enough to recommend *Tool* for your
next concert!

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title: Open Laptop
date: 2014-07-13T03:20:00+02:00
lang: en
Cooling my open-laptop by opening it... o.O Okay, that was mainly for
drying it... and for fun!
tags: ["laptop", "x60", "thinkpad"]
First, let me introduce my laptop: it's a Thinkpad X60, he's called
[Kiffu](http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Kiffu) and was bought ~6 months ago from
[Gluglug](http://www.gluglug.org.uk/), and as the [FSF](https://www.fsf.org/)
said, it's an open-laptop, and that means that it runs without any proprietary
software, nor any blob, not even the CPU microcode!
Yesterday, I decided to clean my keyboard, and for that,
[Maat](http://maat.mooo.com/) and I had no better idea than putting it under the
tap! Of course it was powered off, but I put a bit too much of water, and
everything didn't go though it. It was now a bit wet, and I decided to wait for
the full night before pluging and running it again... But the whole night wasn't
enough, and when I ran it, it worked for five minutes, and then I got some
strange things on the screen, before it self rebooted, then reboot again, and
behaved very oddly... I shut it down, removed the battery, unpluged, and decided
to dry it **really**. I opened it completely, removed the SSD, the keyboard, and
even the upper body! Drying and waiting for a bit, I then decided to try to run
it, but I was too lazy to rebuild it, and then redry if it still didn't worked,
so I run it completly opened!
Everything went well, and I even took a few pictures with the webcam, without
any problems: ![pict1](images/x60-1.jpg) ![pict2](images/x60-2.jpg)
![pict3](images/x60-3.jpg) ![pict4](images/x60-4.jpg)
Finally, I just rebuilt the laptop and wrote this article, because I just found
that fun and wanted to share the pictures... ;)

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